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Pierre M. Delpu
@ pierremarie.delpu@ulb.be |
I am a historian of politics, having a strong international background (PhD completed in France and Italy in 2017, postdoctoral positions in Spain between 2020 and 2022, frequent fellowships in Finland, the US and Latin America) and being currently a FRS-FNRS research fellow. I am a specialist of Southern European revolutions during the 19th century, developing a comparative and transnational approach with a special focus on Spain and Italy. My current research deals with political martyrdom, aiming to highlight the shared devotional practices between religious and political martyrdom.
Since 2023, I am the Principal Investigator of the international programme AMAPOL - Aspects du MArtyre POLitique (Europe méridionale 1800-1939), which is part of Casa de Velázquez’s current scientific programmation until December 2025.
Main research fields:
- Politics and religion in the 19th century
- Southern European revolutions (Spain and Italy)
- Comparative and transnational history
- Political martyrdom
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